Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 8, 2018



The healing properties of coix seed
Coix seed is known as a small herbal medicine but has many great healing powers, which can cure many diseases and promote health. Let's learn more about this drug.
Characteristic, living place coix seed
 Other names: Banh bo bo, Giai Le, Dĩ thực, Dĩ mễ, Mộc nhân nhân, Thảo Ngư, Ngọc mễ, ...
Scientific name: Coxi lachrymal-jobi L.
Family: Poaceae Rice.
Herbaceous plants, about 1 - 1.5m high.
The body is smooth, with vertical lines. The leaves are about 10-40 cm long, pointed like sugar cane leaves, 1.5 - 3cm wide, parallel veins, with midrib.
The eggshell is slightly tipped by a hard-boiled leaf (often called a shell).
The barley is oval or oval in shape, 4-8mm long, 3 - 6mm wide, opalescent white, light, solid, starchy.
Pictures of coix seed plants and fruits a oriental herbal treatment effective in utero sa women
Tropical species, wet, wild or growing in the water, yards, riverside. Some provinces have planted such as Nghe Tinh, Thanh Hoa, Lai Chau.
Harvesting usually in autumn, ripe fruit, cut whole stem, dried.
When dry, remove the fruit, rub the outer shell, collect seeds, dried.
Pharmaceutical ingredients:
In coix seed there are about 65% carbohydrates, 5.4% fat, 13.7% protit and amino acids such as leuxin, lysine, acginin, tysosin, histidin, special protit of the mind is coixine and glutamic acid.
The seeds are sweet, cool, have effect: heat bar, tonic, appendicitis, diarrhea, eczema, gall bladder pain, gastric ulcer, eczema, ...
The root has a bitter taste; It has the effect of heat, antiseptic, kidney stones, chicken pox, rheumatism, diarrhea, ectopic, menstrual disorders, ...
Leaves are nutritious and beneficial.
Coix seed is a good body lotion, used for the elderly and children.
Benefit milk for women giving birth.
Reduces blood sugar and serum calcium levels.
Heat bar, diuretic, detoxification.
How to process coix seed for treating uterus and improving your health
Coix seed is used to effectively treat women with uterine cysts
Coix seed is a medicinal herbs, precious herbs by the use of it, should be a drug in many pills in traditional medicine. You can buy it at all drug stores, oriental medicine, clinics, etc. However, buyers should be wise to buy quality medicines.

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